Monday, October 06, 2008

how to find killer pics for blogs.

Going through some blogs online and even magazines that we read everyday, I’ve always wondered how they find those amazing after every stock market crash it’s the pic of some guy near the stock exchange holding his head in his hands, or when Ganguly hits a century it’s a Bengal tiger among some trees…

Well I think I got how its done…this tool is quite incredible. It lets you search flickr for photos. So if you’r writing a spiritually inclined article then you can easily do a search for “ganga” or “ganga sun” and get some really stunning professional looking photos…

Also for some reason most of see a lot of windmills in a lot of magazines and in indian love songs…windmills with flower fields and windmills with sunsets and so on…a simple search for windmill brings really stunning results…


Anonymous said...

very clever.