- Say you want to find out the phone number of a restaurant, maybe Corner House.
- You have to call up 1-800-41-999-999 and you have to say "Corner House" after the Beep.
- The voice recognition system takes what seems like 3 seconds to understand what you said and then repeats the query.
- Then it asks for area,i assume if multiple locations are found, and again the system takes 3 seconds.
- The system then sends you an sms and also reads out the results.
I tested the system for Hotel empire, Chinmaya Mission Hospital, Vidyarthi Bhavan and for Movie timings at INOX and they were all spot on.
Though for Hotel Empire I got the address and phone number but for others I only got the contact number.
And the best part is that its FREE! It is a toll free number you call. I have often ended up in MG road or Brigade road and have walked around looking for a newspaper to check movie timings.Now I guess that situation wont happen again.
Here is the official site with more details.
Google's aim is to organise the world'ss information. Good work so far!
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